Patch notes 07/31/2020

Feature Updates
  • Levels 2 and 3 have been collapsed in to one longer level, since the theme of both levels was similar
  • As a result of the aforementioned squash, there are now currently 5 levels instead of 6
  • Level 2 should now have tutorials for both sections, including those that were formerly 
  • Level 3(previously 4) has been extended with a new environmental toy, bounce pads. A tutorial popup has been added for bounce pads as well
  • Movement has been slightly reworked to give the player less mobility in the air. It should actually make some landings a little easier, as your movements won't push you as far off course
  • The minimap has been reworked to generate automatically for each level. This shouldn't effect moment to moment gameplay, but trust me it's a huge weight off my shoulders, which aren't particularly sturdy to begin with

Files Play in browser
Aug 01, 2020

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